Label 1: Conley, 11/4/86
Label 2: Guatemala, 12/86, Conley
Note: This project is not considered complete until every scrap of deaccessioned fabric has found a use. Often this means that a single deaccessioned garment may yield raw materials for multiple new items. In this instance, the textile has previously yielded a length of rope.
This is a 14’ length of hand-woven cotton fabric. It has a deep red ground with a black and white check woven in. It is an unworked piece of fabric and the selvage edges are intact.
After the previous use of this textile, there remained 12 strips of fabric, each approximately 2 3/4” wide by 8 1/2” long. Two of these were placed right-sides together, pinned, and sewn together on three sides. This was repeated. Both pieces were turned right-side out to form long, narrow envelopes of fabric. A thin strip of polyester batting was wrapped around a wooden hanger. The fabric envelopes were then stretched onto each side of the hanger, covering both the wood and the batting, and sewn together in the middle, just below the metal hook. Another strip of fabric was folded into thirds lengthwise and the long sides topstitched. This strip was then wrapped around the center of the hanger, covering the seam, and hand sewn into place, completing the padded hanger. The process was then repeated for a second padded hanger.
The accession number has been embroidered on the front of each hanger.